World of tanks blitz why do i spawn in late
World of tanks blitz why do i spawn in late

Which is also why it's sometimes ridiculous that you get two ships on a flank, one of which a CV, while the opposite side features 5-6 ships on the same flank.Each map in Blitz possesses different characteristics of size, terrain, weather, and tactics. Spawn points are decided by developers directly for each individual map. But that's all relatively difficult coding. It's already amazing that auto-pilot doesn't use full speed when a turn is started on regular ships and can't calculate speed changes required for the ship at hand and doesn't take steering into account that well, never mind making it through tighter straights between islands.

world of tanks blitz why do i spawn in late

In the old RTS setup you could switch between map and ship mode without issue, allowing you to make both defensive and offensive actions at the same time, which every other ship class in game can do much better already due to not having to switch between modes. There is probably little worse developed in this game than the AI, especially foolish when they design a ship class to become dependent on it as you can't switch back and forth between flight and ship mode (which is utterly stupid design). No, no, nothing better than thinking you cleared an island, putting auto-pilot on with full forward speed active and auto-pilot decides that you're an inch too close to the island, or decides you shouldn't move in between two islands and goes into full reverse in front of enemies, after which your team decries "your" stupid actions. Nothing better then when somebody in chat writes, CV move!

world of tanks blitz why do i spawn in late

And they hate even more noob CVs, and CVs that dont move are noobs to them.

World of tanks blitz why do i spawn in late